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Being Self Centered


  Two Chinese tourists in Germany went into an expensive restaurant and ordered 10 plates of food, stirred and ate a bit from each plate, paid the bill and stood up to leave. The waiter asked them politely to please take the leftovers with them. When they refused, the police was called in. They were arrested on the grounds of being wasteful. “ Why? I have lots of money, I enjoy squandering !!!  I can afford it, it’s none of your business !!” yelled the angry tourists.


  “ It may be your money, but it is our resources you are wasting! “ “We DO NOT throw good food away in the garbage, and you are in our country!” Had they not ordered these food, these would not have been cooked, and raw leftovers would have been collected and delivered to the needy twice a week. But since the food was cooked and partially eaten, they were heavily fined. The fine goes to cover the costs of re-processing. Above all, the fines have been put in place as a deterrent, to discourage people from being wasteful. The German law may sound preposterous, but it makes a lot of sense for the common good of a collective community .


  Greeks for instance, do not care much about their community. They dislike working and detest paying tax even more. Pensions go on for hundreds of years because the children and grand children would continue drawing the pension long after their parents and grandparents are dead. Everyone seems to think that the country’s problems belong solely to the government, and that Greek individuals have the god given right to enjoy the country’s wealth without obligation or duty. Hence 4000 years of glorious history and civilization ends up on the verge of  bankruptcy. 


  Financially, we may be better off than the Greeks, but socially we are just as self centered.  How often do we see people pushing the button and closing the elevator door just when they see someone coming… We don’t care about the next passenger. By the same token, people talking loudly in public areas disturbing the peace of others … Take a look inside a Chinese toilet anywhere, however new or opulent a building may be, toilets in China are notoriously filthy. Simply because the person who has used the toilet doesn’t care about the next user. Today’s students protest because they cannot afford to buy an apartment after graduation. Neither could we.  Only in those days, we believed in working hard and not in protesting. 


  Since when have we become so self centered? Asian cultures are actually more empathetic, we emphasize interdependence. The American cultures have difficulty inferring another person’s perspectives, because they emphasize individualism, their key social attitude is to elevate oneself at the expense of others. For instance, Americans like to use big titles, everybody is a Vice President and a self employed man with one staff calls himself CEO. Asians are usually more modest, we use smaller titles such as “Managers”, a British legacy perhaps. Be careful how you treat “Assistant Managers” in Japan, they are usually a lot more powerful than VPs or CEOs in the States. Xi Jinpeng is for instance, “only” a General Secretary. 


  Behold, the power of the media can profligate wrong ideas to be fashionable, and American media is extremely powerful. Without knowing how or when, their ideas have been infiltrating into our world, under the disguise of being modern and empowering. Being self centered is neither. Undeniably, a great deal of good has come through the same channels, we must however be wary not to negate our core values and substitute in a hurry, our 5000 years of civilization by their 200 years , and learn to draw a line at what is right and what is wrong. 


  Being self centered is not our culture.  It is also by far the most detrimental cause for failure in relationships. 




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