特金會提前結束,沒有會後公布,也沒有聯合記招。金正恩會後隱身,特朗普則有個簡短記招,只透露了一個重要信息,就是「朝鮮要求取消一切經濟制裁,而我們不認為可行」,特朗普的原句是︰“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn't do that,”Trump said.“They were willing to de-nuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted, but we couldn't give up all of the sanctions for that. So we continue to work and we'll see, but we had to walk away from that particular suggestion. We had to walk away from that.”
“(Kim)wants to de-nuke, but he wants to just do areas that are less important than the areas that we want. We know the country very well, believe it or not, we know every inch of that country,”Trump said, telling reporters he thought the gap between the U.S. and North Korea would be bridged“with time.”
“You always have to be prepared to walk,”Trump said.“I could have 100 percent signed something today-we actually had papers ready to be signed-but it just wasn't appropriate. I want to do it right︰I'd much rather do it right than do it fast.”
“This wasn't a walk away like you get up and walk out. No, this was very friendly-we shook hands,”he said.“When we walked away, it was a very friendly walk.”
如果特朗普在赴特金會之前並不知悉金正恩這個要求時,就是做功課不足,因為金正恩這個要求是簡單明白得不過,蓬佩奧等人及先遣人員與金正恩的先遣人員應一早就要知悉金正恩這要求,並通報特朗普要不要來開會,如果美國先遣人員已通報了特朗普這要求,而特朗普又以為可以臨場勸服金正恩接受仍有經濟制裁、又要先繳械時,就是以為金正恩沒有看歷史,不知道利比亞總統卡特菲在將其核武繳械後就遭「國內民兵」殺死的現實,所以你叫金正恩裸身相許,就有點simple, naive & stupid。
Last year's meeting marked the first in-person meeting between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean head of state.
Trump heralded that agreement as“very comprehensive,”but outside observers played down its importance because of a recurring diplomatic issue with Pyongyang︰North Korea has a different definition for“denuclearization”than others.
Pyongyang has said in the past it may denuclearize only if certain conditions were fulfilled. Those include the U.S. withdrawing troops from South Korea as well as ending the U.S. regional nuclear umbrella, a security arrangement in which Washington promises in-kind retaliation on behalf of close allies if they are attacked with nuclear weapons.
American and North Korean sides still appear far apart on the idea of North Korea getting rid of its nuclear weapons.
“So far, North Korea seems only willing to take measures that limit its nuclear and missile capabilities-it has no indications that it wants to roll back or undercut its existing nuclear arsenal or missile arsenal,”Tong Zhao, a fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, told CNBC on Tuesday.
Reports since the last Trump-Kim summit suggest North Korean forces are continuing to develop missile technology and nuclear weapons in secret facilities. A U.S. intelligence report last month said North Korea was“unlikely to give up”its weapons of mass destruction, missiles or production capability.
轉載自: 晴報
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