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  或者豐田與BMW,勞力士與精工之間有點兒實際的區別,不過,在於定義人的身份與地位,這就是天壤之別了。心中的幻想造成妄想,妄想引導我們得出錯誤的定論。同樣地,我們需要集體回憶,來讓我們不斷重新詮釋歷史,迎合時下的看法。向日本投入原子彈的決定、 軍備競賽、以有「大殺傷力武器」之名空襲伊拉克,這些決定都是基於政府在政治及軍事上的看法。亨利·季辛吉有個貼切的說法「位高權重者是要指導決策,而非下決策。決策的過程是消耗並不是創造智慧資本。大部分位高權重者會提出他們的看法及對事情的理解。他們學習如何做決定而不是做甚麼決定」。













Clouded Perceptions


  “ It is just like man’s vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions” Mark Twain.


  I bought my 2 ½ year old grandson a denim jacket because his favourite jacket has become too small for him. The new jacket is heavily washed and fashionably full of holes. I thought it looked cool & cute, chic & smart and was certainly ridiculously expensive.


  He refused to wear it. Sticking his little finger in one of the holes, he stared at me with forlorn eyes , shaking his head, saying “broken”. Initially disappointed, I took a hard look at the two jackets, one is clean, well pressed, with straight seams, looking neat and tidy. The other looks crumbled and dilapidated. Why would I try to convince the poor child that the dilapidated jacket is superior??


  We behave according to what we believe to be right and wrong . “Perception” is a situation specific opinion we form based on a combination of personal experiences, information and our emotional status at that moment. Staying objective has always been challenging, but the chance of our perceptions becoming clouded nowadays has become all too easy as media continues to invest our lives with artificial notions and arbitrary values. The process of shaping opinion, attitudes and perceptions was termed the “engineering of consent” by the public relations industry. We live in an age of style and spin in which perceptions of good and evil, right and wrong slither and shift with the fashionable view of the moment.


  There may be little practical difference between a Corolla and a BMW, a Rolex and a Seiko… but in terms of perceptions of who you are and what you are, they are worlds apart. Mental illusions build delusions, which manifest false conclusions . Equally, we require a collective past - hence the endless reinterpretations of history, frequently to suit the perceptions of the present. The decisions to drop the atom bomb on Japan.. the consequent arms race … the bombing of Iraq for their alleged arsenal in “weapons of mass destruction”… were all made by governments on the basis of political and military perceptions. As Henry Kissinger aptly put it, “High office teaches decision making, not substance. It consumes intellectual capital; it does not create it. Most high officials leave office with the perceptions and insights with which they entered; they learn how to make decisions but not what decisions to make.”


  Friends in Ulaanbaator complain how the uneducated nomads hold back the country’s progress . Having spent a week outside Murun with pastoral nomads, we experienced firsthand how they live. They migrate with their herds, shear sheep, comb goats, make woollen felt, milk horses and cows for diary products… Lake Khuvsgul is crystal clear , the air is crispy fresh, the gers are warm, the picturesque surrounding is breathtaking . Like a painting, life is perfectly tranquil. They sing and dance by the fire, tell stories and jokes, smiling and laughing ...


 With 3 million people on 1.5 million square kilometers of land, Outer Mongolia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Nobody can possibly slow down anybody’s progress by raising herds. Forced urbanization would mean squeezing the nomads through horrific traffic jams into small flats inside concrete buildings. Is Ulaanbaator’s “civilization” really a better way of life ?? Different perceptions.


 The evening news showed Munich folks lining the streets to welcome Syrian refugees coming to live in their country, eat their food and disrupt their lives... Yet they brought water, clothes, toys, biscuits.. offering friendly smiles and warm handshakes... Two minutes later, the local news showed our agitators protesting against mainland visitors because they brought us inconvenience. Different perceptions.  


Being “open minded” is the key to healthy relationships. It means the courage to ask if our own perceptions might be clouded, the grace to accept other variations of “truth”, and the strength not to allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us. Instead of fists apart, try holding hands.




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