Artist Talk:跟Graffiti Artist Sraker走進霓虹叢林,在錯覺中享受燈紅酒綠的慾
糅合Street Art & Fine Art的塗鴉
街頭藝術總帶著點隨意的美,穿梭在街角小巷,目光游離在牆上的塗鴉,忽然間,枯燥、繁忙的都市多了一點刺激、新奇。看Straker的塗鴉,除了eye catching外,你還可看到不少的趣。
「I want to give a few different feeling for the painting I do. Some are very happy and Cartoonish; others are more based on fine art, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo. I like to mix it up a little bit. Depending where I am, what moods I want to get it across. 」
【你點睇?】美國總統大選在即,你認為誰將最終當選?► 立即投票