The traditional "democractic" groups, must depart from, and stay afar, from those Extremist Totalitarian" Democracy". Otherwise, they can appeal to no one, able to do nothing, and supported by nobody.
They should wake up, take the driver seat, to drive the "Democractic" gangs into a reasonable, logical, growth supportive, and negotiating / compromising groups. That's what successful politicial parties do. Look at US, UK - everything is about pragmatic, about economic growth, about clear of what you support and what you can do ( not what you go against !). Slogans cannot live long, Real Constructive actions will reap fruits !
I think those "Pan- democratic" gangs need to be much clearer amongst themselves what they support, and what they would go against. Their circle of actions are very limited, as they are not courageous enough to state clearly what they stand for.
They need to understand that definitely NOT all things declared by self-named-democratic people are really about democracy. They need to grow up faster in terms of politicial technical ability. Politics is about games, about negotiation, about compromise, about "trade" to get what you want to achieve as and end. Also apart from "anti-China", "anti-development", and 'anti-government" - many people cannot see what those traditional "democratic" parties really represent now.