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    發表於 2014-7-23 11:17 AM
  • 壹傳媒集團主席黎智英承認,向多名泛民及立法會議員捐款。匿名人士披露從12年起,黎多次捐款予泛民人士,合共超過4000萬元。多個現任及前任泛民議員,如工黨李卓人、社民連梁國雄、公民黨梁家傑、毛孟靜,以及民主黨涂謹申等被質疑沒按規定向立會申報。

    發表於 2014-7-23 11:17 AM
  • 壹傳媒集團主席黎智英承認,向多名泛民及立法會議員捐款。匿名人士披露從12年起,黎多次捐款予泛民人士,合共超過4000萬元。多個現任及前任泛民議員,如工黨李卓人、社民連梁國雄、公民黨梁家傑、毛孟靜,以及民主黨涂謹申等被質疑沒按規定向立會申報。








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  • lip發表於 2014-8-15 03:45 PM
  • #390
  • Please, GOD , I am begging you to bless his soul and to forgive the vicious bishop. Repent ! REPENT !!!
    The most evil villainous bishop under the shelter of church, took the vicious evil money in the name of GOD, making the fool of his followers, and pretended nothing happened , nothing to be ashamed of. He is the most evil one and is shameless. He might be escaped from hell. The evil villainous bishop should confess openly to GOD, and to his followers, the complete innocents, for his shameful unforgivable behaving. This is the only way to ease his mere left conscience, please, may GOD bless him and help him from struggling in hell. He should humble himself and ask for excuse and forgiveness from his followers. His silence and vicious shameless manner have betrayed all his beliefs and told a villainous evil lie.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-12 10:58 AM
  • #389
  • The most evil villainous bishop under the shelter of church, took the evil money in the name of GOD, making the fool of his followers, and pretended nothing happened , nothing to be ashamed of. He is the most evil one and is shameless. He might be escaped from hell. The evil villainous bishop should confess openly to GOD, and to his followers, the complete innocents, for his shameful unforgivable behaving. This is the only way to ease his mere left conscience, please, may GOD bless him and help him from struggling in hell. He should humble himself and ask for excuse and forgiveness from his followers. His silence and shameless manner have betrayed all his beliefs and told a villainous evil lie
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-11 08:19 PM
  • #388
  • The public is in great anger and in extreme unrest fury, the MAJORITY of HK would like to see these cunning, shameless, villainous evil devils are called to justice, fair and square, judged to jail and are paid for their unscrupulous evil behaving. This is the only way, only outcome, to peace , rest and settle the public, that is a sure and expected happen ending. The HK governor and I.C.A.C. would not allow these villainous and unscrupulous evil devils getting away and being at large, they would do their best to restore trust and confidence of HK people in our law system, and to maintain a peaceful, disciplined society , a well booming HK to the MAJORITY.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-11 08:18 PM
  • #387
  • The GOVERNOR and the I.C.A.C. would , certainly , bring these evil devils to see justice, fair and ressquare, and would do what so ever to restore trust and confidence in law system for the public. They, firstly, would do their best to peace , rest settle the HK people , the great anger,and the extreme unrest fury, and to give and maintain a peaceful , disciplined society and a well booming HK to the MAJORITY.
    The GOVERNOR and the I.C.A.C. ! can you hear the voice of callings, the great anger and the extreme unrest fury, can you stand out and say something to ease the public anger and the quests with extreme fury, please, do something now, the sooner the better.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-11 03:01 PM
  • #386
  • Why HK is now so deadly quiet ? Where are the newspaper, TV news reporters ( all disappear suddenly ) ? Where are the cat's paw students, ( the most innocents ) ? Where are the shameless evil teachers ? Where are the cunning, villainous , talkative and unscrupulous lawyer democratic gangsters ? Where is the most evil devil , the hell escaped bishop ( busy in cutting hair ) ? Where are the hell-match couple betrayers ( still very busy in NY or in LON ) ? Where is the fatty good dog betrayer boss ? Where are they ? OO ! We can find them in our HK memorial, and all will be written and accused of their evil villainous and unscrupulous behaving. Goodness for their generation, may GOD blesses their souls and helps them from struggling in hell
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-8 11:47 AM
  • #385
  • Leung lawyer and the other all these evil villainous devils, they don't have any a little bit of embarrassing at TV news in front of 96% the MAJORITY disapproving their behaving, they pretend nothing happened and nothing to be ashamed of. I.C.A.C.,please, takes action as sooner as possible to disclose the inside story to the MAJORITY of HK. We can only rely on you, from our heart.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-6 06:51 PM
  • #384
  • These people are the most evil villainous devils , they can not be excused and are unforgivable, unacceptable. They deserve to be justified and judged to jail, the only outcome ending is very sure and is expected. Then, the 96% of the majority will be pleased and rested, we also say they should be whiter than white paper.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-6 06:30 PM
  • #383
  • These people took the unlawful evil money, the majority of Hongkong people ( 96 % ) does not agree with them and would be pleased and rested to see them judged to jail and to let them be paid for what they have done. They always say " whiter than white paper" the saying very often, so this is the moment the I.C.A.C. should take action right away now and to disclose the picture to the majority as soon as possible. This moment we can only trust the I.C.A.C.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-4 11:16 AM
  • #382
  • The majority of Hongkohg waiting to see them to be judged to jail and to be paid. We are glad to see the back of them on their way to jail. Good riddance.
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  • lip發表於 2014-8-4 10:40 AM
  • #381
  • No way, the Hong Kong people waiting to see them to be justed to jail. We will be happy to see them paid.
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  • 熱愛香港發表於 2014-7-31 09:49 PM
  • #380
  • 毛小姐系記者,居然話网上資料無睇到佢有份,依家系抹黑佢,政治迫害,但黎生親口承認話有比,佢應該揾黎生出來對質,唔好亂嗡廿四。

  • 引用 #379 亞扁媽媽 發表於 2014-7-31 09:28 PM

    毛孟靜話無收生果金,所以無責任証明甚麼,當日林奮強都無承認偷步賣樓,但就要停職被廉署查;是否應該一視 ...
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  • 亞扁媽媽發表於 2014-7-31 09:28 PM
  • #379
  • 毛孟靜話無收生果金,所以無責任証明甚麼,當日林奮強都無承認偷步賣樓,但就要停職被廉署查;是否應該一視同仁,涉嫌收生果金的議員停職候查呢?

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  • 熱愛香港發表於 2014-7-31 08:43 PM
  • #378
  • 人家大老闆系幾佰萬咁比,食慣大茶飯,根本唔在乎每月十幾廿萬人工,所以咪hea住做,否則點叫垃圾會。
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  • gg3918發表於 2014-7-31 03:49 PM
  • #377
  • 俾人揭穿就話袋住先,未穿之前就洗緊先,平時成日話人利益衝突,自己出事就話呢話路唔洗報,總之D無"齒"之徒快D滾蛋,攪到呢行好似咁易撈,嘈嘈吓、丟吓嘢、自動離場,都可以每月十幾廿萬人工照袋,屈香港人機,滾蛋就係HK之福。
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  • 猫狗比人大發表於 2014-7-30 05:59 PM
  • #376
  • 回覆 #369 草根市民


    某狀師: honey,你朝思暮想隻3卡鑽介係度

    女: 我朝思暮想你多d喎、、、褲袋e度、、、

    某狀師: 抵錫,隻鑽介我幫你放入褲袋先

    女: 嗱,我套用你出面教人既歪理咋!隻鑽介我“袋住先“=“冇得益“,今晚係咁先你自己搞店吧!byebye

    某狀師: 嗚嗚…阿媽,我俾賤女呃左隻鑽介!
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  • 猫狗比人大發表於 2014-7-30 05:35 PM
  • #375
  • 路加福音20:25 耶穌說:「這樣,凱撒的物當歸給凱撒,神的物當歸給神。」 

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  • Freemanchina發表於 2014-7-29 09:43 PM
  • #374
  • 7. In saying “I am really sad to see that many simple-minded people in churches believe in them! Devil like to disgnise itself by the appearance of God.”, I told the phenomenon seen in churches (the 1st sentence) & the act of Sedan described in Bible (2nd sentence). What wrong with that? Don't I have the freedom of speeches? under your totalitarian habit!

    8. You said: “I am 做著比法利賽人或偽君子更虛偽的事情”. Please provide evidence to prove that because it is your liability to do that under the Common Law. Such as How 做著, Why 比法利賽人或偽君子更虛偽, & what things (事情). I want hard facts, not your own subjective speculation.
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  • Freemanchina發表於 2014-7-29 09:37 PM
  • #373
  • 回覆 #368 lsmpat

    6. Do you really know what “Hypocrite” means? It does refer to some kind of people whose are double-standard & having behaviours always differ from their words (ie. talk in one way & act in another). Jesus condemned nobody but Pharisees & Jewish lawyers at His time, calling them”披著羊皮的狼”、”毒蛇的種類、粉飾的墳墓”. Those political clowns are the same, they always put democracy in their mouths but their behaviours are totalitarian, violent, & showing no respect to their opponents. While they always say that they are working for the well-being of HK people, but they use all such means as 拉布, verbal & physical violence, & unlawful activities (OC) to damage social stability & efficient operation of the government. While they always said that they are representing HK people, but their support is only from the minority. Basing on all these, I have full reasons to call them hypocrites. This is not 論斷, as what you said.
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  • Freemanchina發表於 2014-7-29 09:35 PM
  • #372
  • 回覆 #367 lsmpat

    4. Sex, gambling, lies, scandals are those things violating the teaching of God! How comes the money earned from these stuffs is still not dirty? It is really ridiculous! It seems you are just mixing up good & bad for the sake of defending your standpoint rather than truth!

    4. My criticism of Bishop Chan & Pastor Chu is based on hard fact. In fact, many people in this forum also considered these 2 guys as hypocrites too! Would you please go through all commentaries in this forum & see how many people called them 神棍。 Facts speak louder than words! I understand that perhaps these 2 guys are your idols in mind, but you should be decent to face the reality.

    5. You used the case of Jesus’s crucification to support these 2 guys. It is entirely irrelevant! Jesus was put to court and judged by the Romans as innocent, but these 2 guys did receive dirty money! How could you dare to compare them with Jesus! Don’t you think it is humiliating Jesus in making such comparison?
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  • Freemanchina發表於 2014-7-29 09:32 PM
  • #371
  • 回覆 #367 lsmpat

    Mr, Ismpat,

    1. You try to impose your own preference on me to use Chinese writing, & not to use such words as “Agree”, “Fully Agree”, “Exactly” to express my consent to others. Is this anti-democratic, or totalitarian behaviour? If you support democracy, do you think that this is the right behaviour?

    2. According to the Common Law in HK, since it is you who suspect that I was forcing myself to write in English, the liability to provide support evidence should fall on your side, not me! Please provide evidence.

    3. Not to mention whether Lai really receive money from foreign powers through Lai, as it widely known that the incomes of Lai do come from the newspapers & magazines which advocate sex, gambling, scandals, & lies. Why you still insist that “not all his money is dirty” & so the 2 religious guys are justified to accept his money?
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