Why HK is now so deadly quiet ? Where are the newspaper, TV news reporters ( all disappear suddenly ) ? Where are the cat's paw students, ( the most innocents ) ? Where are the shameless evil teachers, professors ? Where are the cunning, villainous , talkative and unscrupulous lawyers and their shameless democratic gangsters ? Where is the most evil devil , the hell escaped bishop ( busy in cutting hair ) ? Where are the hell-match couple betrayers ( still very busy in NY or in LON ) ? Where is the fatty good dog betrayer boss ? Where are they ? OO ! We can find them in our HK memorial, and all will be written and accused of their evil villainous and unscrupulous behaving. Goodness for their generation, may GOD bless their souls and help them from struggling in hell.
This is how you scored a distinction in English Language in your Matriculation Examination.
P.S. This commentary is comprised of one line, therefore I took my precious time off to read it!