In my view, the shares bought by the "National Teams" need not to be sold like the "Tracker Fund".
Unlike those blue-chip stocks listed in HK, the National Teams in fact are the major shareholders of many Chinese blue chips.
They are just increasing their holdings at suitable occasion, & paving the way for joint-holding by private enterprises in future (a part of structural reforms of China).
引用 #73 香港長大小市民 發表於 2015-7-10 09:16 PM
阿爺今次掃入咁多大藍籌,相信之後會好似香港當年咁打包成一隻盈富一樣的綜合指數股,拆散出嚟賣番俾機構投 ...I don't believe there is anything in the stock market so-called "saving the market".
Every party is just taking the opportunity to make money from the market.
The "National Team" is just taking the opportunity to buy when the stocks are under-valued.
I think they have made good buys for long-term sake anyway!
引用 #85 盟主牌 發表於 2015-7-11 05:21 PM
國家隊重葯治急病,初見成效 看副作用如何。交學費以毒攻毒
引用 #89 盟主牌 發表於 2015-7-11 07:09 PM
#87 非病源,是一劑慢性毒药 遲早中毒身亡。尚有時間,尋解毒良方。From other trails, I think you know that I am quite senior and not female and if your little group cannot see that, then you MUST be stupid..... James 田少..... not worried about a god like opponent, more worried about the pigs in your little group.... some of you writing for 潛龍 are a bit better but this one is just plain daft.....
引用 #81 潛龍 發表於 2015-7-11 08:05 AM
我不知道誰是James Tin?也不知道他的陰謀論是什麼?人家說什麼,自己去分析它的理據吧。不可以簡單地說所 ...小弟只不過唔抵得那班蛇鼠一窩的傢伙,隨口up當袐級而已,希望各位多多指正!!
引用 #75 盟主牌 發表於 2015-7-10 09:53 PM
引用 #63 猫狗比人大 發表於 2015-7-10 01:02 PM
希望唔係貴刋有人想打壓言論自由!!!!Haha, I will quote james Tin, Conspiracies??? No, stupidity has no cure, just like you....
引用 #59 潛龍 發表於 2015-7-8 07:18 PM
這就是大人看事情的深入程度跟小妹妹看的不同。對小妹妹來說,人家請她吃糖叫她跟著走,她便順從,那想 ...講得很好。
引用 #71 香港長大小市民 發表於 2015-7-10 09:02 PM
美國佬最惡在於財技高及傳媒打手眾多,2008 年佢哋出事害全世界同佢一齊冚包散無邊個傳媒夠膽同佢問罪,索 ...