學者∕學棍,你們簡直是學界之恥! GOD condemns their evil behaving.
The poor foolish cat's-paw students, the exploited stupid stone-headed vicious violent hoodlums-(-OC-)-your MOM/ DAD crying disappointingly for your future career. -- 心靈 -受心魔之苦
Betrayer has no say and must be paid. The exploited shameless evil scholars, you are the real shame of academics!! The democratic LAWYER GANGSTERS, You , the exploited fools, (自己 「吃得鹹魚抵得渴」又相信人民眼睛雪亮.) are blind and you can't hear the MAJORITY of H. K. (17 AUG) wants a 社會安定繁榮 HK. You are the most shameless , the exploited villainous betrayers. Pls, go back where you belong , -JAIL
感恩 謝謝 THANK GOD. 8.17 The MAJORITY of H.K. 遊行是愛國愛港的運動,是維護本港安定繁榮的運動,是有建設性的穩定社會正能量. 功德無量- 慈悲--讓心靈沉靜! 淨化人心 , 很有益處, 心中有愛,社會就能祥和。 堅持相信---好人有好報
The events, THANK GOD ,17 Aug. have been peaceful, reflecting the restra
The poor foolish cat's-paw students, the exploited stupid stone-headed vicious violent hoodlums-(-OC-)-your MOM/ DAD crying disappointingly for your future career.
Betrayer has no say and must be paid. The exploited shameless evil scholars, the democratic LAWYER GANGSTERS. You , the exploited fools, are blind and you can't hear the MAJORITY of H. K. (17 AUG) wants a 社會安定繁榮 HK. 自己 (「吃得鹹魚抵得渴」又相信人民眼睛雪亮 ) You are the most shameless , the exploited betrayers. Pls, go back where you belong , -JAIL
感恩 謝謝 THANK GOD. 8.17 The MAJORITY of H.K. 遊行是愛國愛港的運動,是維護本港安定繁榮的運動,是有建設性的穩定社會正能量. 功德無量- 慈悲--讓心靈沉靜! 淨化人心 , 很有益處, 心中有愛,社會就能祥和。 堅持相信---好人有好報
For a long period, H.K. is largely dominated by the selfish villainous aggressive Democratic gangsters, in order to achieve their vicious political evil aims, the political activists are always deliberately voicing their fake concerns of the rel