Media OutReach Newswire

2024-11-14 17:40

amfori Asia Sustainability Summit 2024

Shaping Responsible Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 14 November 2024 - Organised by amfori, a leading global business association for sustainable trade, its highly anticipated flagship event "amfori Asia Sustainability Summit" was concluded with great success yesterday at Hotel ICON in Hong Kong SAR, China. Attracting over a hundred participants from across Asia, this event highlighted the significant role Asia plays in driving a resilient and sustainable supply chain in global trade. Under the theme "Shaping Responsible Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future," the Summit brought together sustainability practitioners and advocates, policymakers, business leaders and key stakeholders from multiple countries in Asia and Europe. The Summit has offered a vital platform to exchange insights and strategies on how to comprehend and tackle some of the most pressing ESG challenges and opportunities in supply chains with an Asian perspective. Particularly with the adoption of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), the Summit participants had in-depth discussions on how businesses navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and align the sustainability requirements in Europe and Asia.

Ms Linda Kromjong, President of amfori

In her welcome remarks, Ms Linda Kromjong, President of amfori, said, "Asia is not just a key player; it is the driving force of many best practices in the global supply chain." amfori provides environmental, social and governance (ESG) actionable solutions to improve the sustainability performance of companies' supply chain. ESG Due Diligence is a shared responsibility that requires every actor – from producers to suppliers, buyers, governments, CSOs, and international organisations – to take part. Shared responsibility will also translate into shared business opportunities. With Asia housing the top sourcing countries, there is no doubt that it will be a key actor in driving sustainable trade efforts in the world.

During her keynote speech, Ms Panudda Boonpala, Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Labour Organization (ILO), emphasized the importance of sustainable supply chains within Asia. She stressed that building resilience into our supply chain is not only about protecting workers' right, but it is essential for long-term economic stability and growth. She also emphasized that collaboration across governments, businesses, and worker organisations is the key to fostering a system that prioritises human rights, fair wages and safe working conditions.

Ms Panudda Boonpala, Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Labour Organization (ILO)

The keynote speech was followed by a plenary panel discussion themed "Win-Win Collaborations in Driving ESG Performance in Asian Supply Chains." Moderated by Mr Martin Kroenig, Director, Schwarz Asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd and Chair of the amfori Greater China Network, the session gathered leading buyer members and business partner including Mr Sebastien Pivet, Chief Sustainability Officer and QA Director of AS Watson, Mr Satte Tsao, Head of Vendor Compliance, Li & Fung Trading Ltd, Ms Jean Tai, Global Sourcing Director, Delsey Paris and Mr Kevin Chen, Vice General Manager, Wanxinda (Guangzhou) Technology Product Co. Ltd., who explored how supply chain collaborations in Asia have overcome challenges and created win-win solutions that enhance sustainability practices.

The Summit also featured four breakout sessions to discuss key issues relating to workers' rights, as well as responsible purchasing and sustainable trade. In a session themed "Supporting Migrant Workers: Challenges and Solutions", a distinguished panel of speakers including Ms Myriam Mwizerwa, Head of Office, Hong Kong SAR, China, IOM – UN Migration, Mr Matt Friedman, CEO and Founder, Mekong Club, and Ms Phoebe Ewen, Senior Human Rights & Responsible Sourcing Manager - Trade, Woolworths Group, engaged in a vibrant interactive dialogue on the challenges around migrant workers' protection and provided viable solutions to support migrant workers across the supply chain in Asia.

With the growing recognition and advocacy for gender equality and inclusion around the world, the session themed "Gender Equality and Inclusivity: Pathways to Progress" brought together a diverse group of experts including Mr Namit Agarwal, Social Transformation Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance, Ms Luoqi Li, Financing for Gender Equity Analyst, UN Women, and Mr Roland Meng, Senior Trainer, Timeline Consultancy, who offered their insights into the business benefits of advancing gender equality and how to build a gender-sensitive Social Management System.

Different stakeholders including Ms Elif Kalan, Senior Product Operations Expert, amfori, Mr Brian Wong, Data Protection Officer & Assistant Sustainability Director, GP Batteries International Limited and Mr Vincent Lam, Supply Chain Sustainability Manager, Fruit of the Loom, joined the "Promoting and Advancing Responsible Purchasing Practices" breakout session, featuring the best practices of Responsible Purchasing Practices (RPPs) to drive sustainable trade.

Another highlight of the Summit was a workshop themed "Bridging Sustainable Trade Practices and Regulations between Europe and Asia", led by experts and stakeholders from key sourcing countries including Dr Swati Singh, Director, International Trade Policy Division, Confederation of Indian Industries, Ms Gina Fu, Chairlady, Hong Kong Myanmar Manufacturers' Association, and Ms Ines Kaempfer, CEO, The Centre for Child Rights & Business. The session was also an opportunity to organise group discussions among participants and explore how businesses can stay ahead of evolving regulations whilst achieving sustainable supply chains between Europe and Asia.

In parallel, the event also included a closed-door high level legislation roundtable discussion on "Bridging the Gap of Multiple Due Diligence Laws and Regulations in the EU and Asia", in which leading sustainability experts from around Asia and Europe shared their views on the evolving regulations in the EU and Asia and how to align these due diligence frameworks in fostering regional cooperation. Key takeaways and recommendations from this session will contribute to amfori's advocacy communications with multi-stakeholders and policy makers.

Towards the end of the summit, Ambassador Harvey Rouse, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, shared the importance Europe attributes to green economy and sustainable trade, flagging many legislations underpinning this ambition such as the EU green policies, trade agreements with sustainable chapters; ESPR, CSDDD, CSRD, etc. and their impact for Asia. He started his intervention with the following quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Life belongs to the living and he who lives must be prepared for changes." Changes initiated by this new legislative framework are designed to create a level playing field for business in- and outside Europe, offering opportunities for business to become more competitive, more resilient, more transparent, gain better access to finance and trade with the 27 European country bloc Single Market. Ambassador Rouse also underlined that the green transition cannot be carried out alone and the EU will therefore continue to reach out and deepen partnerships throughout Asia.

Ambassador Harvey Rouse, Head of the European Union Office for Hong Kong and Macao

Concluding the Summit, Ms Linda Kromjong, President of amfori, re-affirmed Asia's role in shaping the future of sustainable trade and sustainable best practices, stating that, "Today, we heard how Asia holds its potential to bridge gaps in legislations, trade practices, and collaborations for a sustainable future. Together, let us drive Asia's influence in making positive change for all!"

For other event photos: please check here.

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About amfori

amfori advocates for a world in which trade serves a purpose: delivering social, environmental and economic benefits for everyone. As a global business association, amfori supports its members at every step of their due diligence journey, offering a comprehensive range of ESG products and services. From supply chain mapping and assessment to reporting, from capacity building to facilitating stakeholder engagement, amfori provides a holistic approach to responsible business practices. Founded in 1977, and recognised for its flagship product amfori BSCI, amfori leverages decades of expertise and close collaboration with more than 2400 member companies as well as auditing companies, producers, factories, and other stakeholders such as policymakers. Representing a diverse array of industries in over 50 countries, that cover trade streams in over 100 countries, amfori continues to have a positive impact on fostering sustainable trade.

source: amfori

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